Chemmie Sokolic and Larry Schnapf will be speaking about the new ASTM E1527-21 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment standard at an accredited and complimentary webinar presented by Meltzer, Lippe, Goldstein & Breitstone, LLP, and moderated by Environmental Partner Sami B. Groff on May 11, 2022.

Wednesday, May 11, 2022
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
The New Phase I ESA Standard
What’s Changed and What’s Stayed the Same:
How ASTM E1527-21 Will Affect You and Your Clients
Conducting a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I ESA) that meets ASTM standards provides parties with critical diligence regarding the environmental aspects of commercial real estate transactions and helps to establish statutory defenses to liability under environmental law. The USEPA has proposed acceptance of a new ASTM standard, E1527-21. The new standard was the product of years of hard work by the ASTM Task Force, a committee of environmental professionals and counsel tasked with improving the standard.
In this fascinating and "behind the scenes" look at the new ASTM standard, you will learn about changes to the definitions of Recognized Environmental Condition (REC), Controlled Recognized Environmental Condition (CREC), and Historical Recognized Environmental Condition (HREC), including the new Property Use Limitation term and the new explanatory appendix; the changes in the records review section of the standard, and the clarified requirements for historical resource reviews; the role of emerging contaminants in a Phase I ESA; and other changes in the Phase I ESA standard.
Speakers: Larry Schnapf (Principal at Schnapf LLC) and Chemmie Sokolic (Principal at Falcon Real Estate Group)
Moderator: Sami B. Groff (Environmental Partner at Meltzer, Lippe, Goldstein & Breitstone, LLP)
2 CLE CREDITS AVAILABLE - This program is transitional and appropriate for both experienced and newly admitted attorneys.
To register for the complimentary class, click here.
For more information about the course, or if you have any due diligence-related questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Chemmie Sokolic at or call (973) 363-9500.