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Due Diligence Support Services 

Realize Due Diligence Opportunities, Increase Revenue, and Reduce Cost and Risk  

  • Rapidly diversify your product pipeline: Gain or enhance your capability to capitalize on premium due diligence projects as opportunities arise, with speedy market response times.

  • Lower your costs and yet be able to serve prime markets: Access specialized expertise on an as-needed basis, rather than investing in the capital costs of a full-time experienced staff dedicated to due diligence projects, and maintain billability for your existing staff.


  • Reduce your risk: Utilize the knowledge and experience of industry experts, rather than conducting high liability due diligence assessments with non-dedicated and less experienced staff.

  • Employee Education: Enhance the flexibility, knowledge-base, and capabilities of your in-house staff through targeted training.

  • Improve customer experience: Provide your clients with the value of a comprehensive environmental due diligence service line that bolsters your current offerings and strengthens customer loyalty.

  • Increase efficiency and reduce human error: Ensure your work products are prepared efficiently, effectively, and are designed to reduce human error and inconsistencies, as well as reduce preparation and review time.

The FalconRE Group is proud to assist, support, and consult with other environmental, engineering, and related real estate service firms to assist them with their due diligence needs, whether they already offer due diligence services to their clients, or whether they'd like to in order to support their other service lines, but don't want the capital expense of retaining experienced practitioners.


Our due diligence support services include but are not limited to:


  • Business development opportunity identification and revenue maximization;

  • Report and letter reviews and preparation;

  • Project management assistance;

  • Client management assistance;

  • Staff training; and

  • Due diligence document template reviews and preparation.


A brochure regarding our due diligence support services is available for download

Due Diligence Support Services Request Form

We’d love to work with you, support you, and help you realize premium due diligence opportunities and increased revenue, while reducing your costs and liability, and bringing extra value to your clients.

Contact us for more information or download our Support Services brochure!

We strive to respond in a timely manner.  Please allow up to 24 hours to receive a response.

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